How long your stump grinder teeth last is dependent on how often you use them and the type of stump grinder teeth you use. Typically, stump grinder teeth last between 5-15 hours. They can also grind down quicker if rock, sand or other inappropriate materials are used on the stump grinder. So to ensure your stump grinder teeth last as long as possible, try to avoid using it on rocky/sandy surfaces.
To Sharpen your stump grinder teeth there are a few methods which you can use. However, we would recommend that you follow these steps:
・Remove the spark plug
・Clean your workspace
・Use a metal or green wheel to sharpen the teeth
・Clean your stump grinder and service
See our guide to stump grinders for the full blog and more information on how to accurately use and sharpen your stump grinder.
Greenteeth are very unique stump grinder teeth. This is because the pocket system they use allows the stump grinder teeth to be rotated to a fresh cutting edge so that you do not have to sharpen your stump grinder teeth as often. It is also very easy to rotate the teeth. All you need is a standard wrench.
Most common stump grinder teeth are manufactured from high-grade steel with the tip’s of the stump grinder teeth being make from carbide. The carbide tips help to ensure that the stump grinder teeth do not sheer when used for wear and tear for easy maintenance.