How much? I can’t believe it! First Rotatech Chain Appearance At the Lamma Show
Last week marked our first time exhibiting at a farming show. We were welcomed at the Lamma Show by thousands of farmers who couldn’t believe the price of Rotatech chains. Just like at the recent APF show.Many farmers process wood during quieter periods, which is why we went to tell them about the Rotatech range. Rich and Simon from Rotatech set up in Hall 4. They talked to farmers about the Rotatech range from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm, for two days straight! They loved the buzzing atmosphere and were impressed that the hall was full by 7:30am. Virtually every conversation went the same,”How much? I can’t believe it!“, after some discussion, followed by them either buying a chain or taking our card to order when they had checked the spec they need.Farmers and Arborists alike, say they made the switch because of the high quality and low cost. In 2016 alone, more than 40,000 chains were sold. Now farmers who undertake logging and tree surgery are getting on board and making the switch. At the Lamma Show people couldn’t believe how much they could save on chainsaw chains by buying Rotatech. This debut appearance at the Lamma Show is just the start. Already sales to Farmers have gone through the roof.If you would like to know first hand why, order a chain today and try for yourself. We are that confident that you will be happy, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee!